Quiet, looks great, works great!

2018/06/19 15:40

Quite and smooth motors. Beautiful woodwork, fit and finish. Holds watches securely and easily. Two 45mm watches fit onto one of the winding pods with room to spare. 
Here is the issue! Even the most infrequent winding setting is STILL too robust. Two minutes of rotation and six minutes of rest still keeps the mainspring at a fully wound tension. This is NOT what the mainspring is fabricated to do. It is meant to wind and unwind over the course of its very long lifetime. Keeping the mainspring at full tension 24x7 will damage your watch [even though it does have a clutch to prevent over-winding]. Moreover, many watches will run fast if the mainspring is kept at full tension. Here is a suggestion.
I recommend that you plug this unit into a programmable wall timer. Program your timer to have the winder off at least 8 hours a day. I have mine set to be off 12 hours each day. If you have a watch with a power reserve indicator, you will be easily able to determine adjustments to this recommendation. Remember, most automatic watches have a power reserve of at LEAST 40 hours. When fully wound, they can easily cover the 8 [or more] hours of down time and their mainsprings will appreciate the break!!